The format of the locations can be read as such:
1.) Draynor - Crate (1 point)
[Trapped] Draynor Manor

The Glowing Indicates:
That the information is being continuously checked for updates without you having to hit the refresh button. If someone updates a penguin, it will automatically update on your screen within a few seconds. When it refreshes you will see this icon glow, it is near the upper left corner.
Updating Penguins:
If you see a penguin in a location other than the one that is listed, please click on the penguin name and change the location to the current location. All updates are stored and those who make good updates may receive more privileges in the future.
Inviting friends:
The more people you invite to use this website, the more they invite, the more people we will have using (and updating) it. This means the penguins will be more likely to be up to date, which will help you in the future.
Quest Benefits:
Weekly Reset, Points, and Claiming Reward:
The Penguins (and Polar Bear) reset every Tuesday night at around midnight(GMT time). You can spy 10 and 1 polar bear per week. You may claim the reward at any time by going to Larry or Chuck at the zoo. You are allowed to store up to 50 points before cashing out if you wish. If you choose to receive money, you will get 6500gp per point (6500*points). If you choose to receive experience, you will receive 25 times the level of the skill you are using it on, per point (25*level*points). A quick way to check how many penguins you have spotted for the week is to search quick chat (hit enter twice) for penguins.
Different Worlds, Different Locations:
This website uses the locations of World 60. If you are on another world, the penguins may be in different locations. If another world has much better locations (such as if people in another world manage to herd several penguins to a single location), there will be a note saying so on the first page.
Joining FriendChats:
There are several FriendChats availible to assist in finding penguins. You can access these by clicking the Friend Chat icon in Runescape (between Friends List and Clan Chat), then click the join button (with the + at the top) and type the name of the chat. The most commonly used ones are the following in order of use: world60pengs, w60pengs, w60pengu, w60pengy, and world60bus.
Using FriendChats: